Monday, June 17, 2013

Angel in Blue Jeans

We encourage you to submit your own stories to
It can be anonymous. Looking forward to seeing how God is working in all of our lives.

Angel in Blue Jeans
Frances Wilcox Matheson

For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.
Psalm 91:11-12 (NLT)

We were on our way by bus from Brasilia to Cuiaba in central-western Brazil to spend Christmas with friends. My over-stuffed shoulder bag hung on my left shoulder. Our nine month old son was balanced on my left hip. My right shoulder was weighted down with the carry-on bag and I had our five year old son’s hand firmly gripped with my right hand. My husband had gone to the other end of the crowded station to check two suitcases.
Vendors of tangerines, candied apples, popcorn, and cotton candy lent a circus-like atmosphere. Beggars leaned against the walls, or shuffled through the crowd. My eyes were drawn to two beggars. One had a crutch, but was neither using it nor limping as she pushed her way towards me. The other’s legs were wrapped in stained bandages. Beggars are not unusual, but what startled me was the malice in their look. In all of our travels, we had met with nothing but friendliness. Now I was afraid, for our belongings and for our blond boys. I glanced behind me, a three foot drop off the edge of the platform. Theft they might try in the crowd, would they be so bold as to attempt a kidnapping? I breathed a quick prayer, as they came closer. The sense of danger grew. 
“Don’t be afraid. Those two mean you evil, but they won’t harm you while I’m here,” said a pleasant voice in Portuguese. Surprised, I turned. Beside me stood a college age girl in blue jeans and a white blouse. I hadn’t seen her come. I looked back at the two beggars. When they saw my glance, they shook their fists at me, turned, and melted into the crowd..
“My husband’s coming now.” I said, as I turned to thank her. No one was there.
We boarded our next bus with no further adventures. As I watched the moon-silvered fields of rice unwind past my window, I wondered. Do angels ever wear blue jeans?

Monday, June 10, 2013

How God Held My Marriage Together

We encourage you to submit your own stories to
It can be anonymous. Looking forward to seeing how God is working in all of our lives.

How God Held My Marriage Together

Love bears all things, believes all things, 
hopes all things, endures all things.
1 Corinthians 13:7 (ESV)

On an ordinary Friday, there is a knock on the door and a person I have met once or twice asks me to step outside for a minute. He has proof that my husband is having an affair with his wife. This is the last thing I expected to happen to me on this day or ever! The memory is still quite vivid and still gets my heart racing when I relive that day in my head. Did I think of 1 Corinthians 13:7? No. I thought and said as I cried, “Lord, I cannot handle this! You only give us what we can handle, and I cannot handle this!” and I prayed.
What happened next was God’s hand. I turned to Christian friends and family for advice. The advice they gave me helped to save my family and my marriage. These friends suggested I not tell my kids – who were young and at home at the time – that I only tell a select few friends whom I could trust, not watch the proof I had been given, and seek a Christian marriage and family counselor. Now, I am thankful for this advice. Then, I wanted to let the world know how badly I had been hurt and I wanted to run as far away from my husband as possible. I was mentally numb and yet trying to swim through a raging river of emotion, while appearing calm and in control in front of my kids and “the world.” I didn’t know what to do at this time so I listened to their advice. There is no rule book or steps to follow, so what do you do? Through prayer, the one thing I knew I had to do was keep my family together. I was not sure what that would look like or how I would do it but I had to try for the sake of my children.
My husband confessed his sins to me. He was truly sorry for his sins. He wanted to keep our family together. He was willing to do whatever it took to keep our marriage together. He found a wonderful Christian counselor, through the help of our pastor. These counseling sessions proved to be a glimmer of hope in an otherwise dreary roller coaster ride. I began to see that love can bear all things and does endure all things. Was it easy? No! It took years, and we are still working on making our marriage better to this day. I do remember one thing the counselor said on our first visit. “I know it is hard to see right now, but your marriage can be better and stronger in the future.” I did not really believe her, but I hoped it was true. At first, I hoped it was true for my children, as I told myself I was doing this for them. I did not want them to grow up with divorce as I did. As months went by, I realized I was not alone in my trial; and I was doing this for many reasons, including myself. Jesus said to His Heavenly Father, in His humanity in strong crying, “I don’t want to go through this trial but I’m willing to if it is Your will.” Hebrews 5:7.
God had always been in my life. I prayed, I went to church, I read my Bible and I always tried to “do the right thing.” So why would God allow this to happen to me? What had I done that I deserved this? It was not fair, why did I have to go through this trial! Insert here anything - why does God allow brain tumors, cancer, disease, etc! What I learned is “love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1Corinthians 13:7. Did my marriage miraculously change? Did forgiveness come easily? Did my husband turn into Prince Charming? No! Our marriage changed through lots of hard work, counseling and determination. It took me months and months to even be able to think about forgiveness. It took me 2 years to know I had forgiven and to understand you can forgive but you will not ever forget. Our marriage will always be a work in progress, but it is better and different than it was before. Through this trial, God showed me He is real, and love can endure as God’s love endures all things for me. This knowledge sustains me. Before I would sometimes doubt, but now I have the peace of knowing He is there on the sunny warm beaches and in the hurricane. He is light, and He will not forsake me. He has shown me how to love, how to forgive and how to live. Infidelity is crushing, but it can be overcome. It can be overcome if both people are willing to forgive, work, trust God and love each other as Christ loves us. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Pray for South Sudan

We encourage you to submit your own stories to
It can be anonymous. Looking forward to seeing how God is working in all of our lives.

Pray for South Sudan!
Bobby Bender

9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. 
Colossians 1:9-14

In many ways, life is going well in South Sudan. God is definitely working in this place.
At the same time, however, the people and politics keep getting in the way. 
I keep wondering how God still loves us (mankind) after all the atrocities that we allow to occur to one another. Mostly it just makes me sad that people allow business, money, and greed to swallow our call to love and care for others. But this is nothing new. It has happened throughout the ages. 
For me, however, it would just be really nice go back (even occasionally) to being naïve. Honestly, I don’t like realizing how the world really works. Everything is so contradictory to what is right in the eyes of God.
On the positive side, I am realizing more and more how great God’s forgiveness is!
I am also learning that to help fix something that is broken, we must understand how it became broken in the first place. The answer goes back to sin. It broke us. It continually destroys our world. Therefore, since we are sinful by nature, the only fix is our humble acknowledgement of our own sin and our faith-filled acceptance of the incredible sacrifice that was made for us by Jesus Christ, our Lord. 
This world needs to know this now more than ever!
In the midst of this storm that we call life, it’s getting hard and harder to discern the right direction. We must remember that God is the lighthouse and Jesus is our light. This is the only true guidance we have. Indeed, this is our only hope to make it safely back to HIS shores. 
My only hope in this place of hunger and corruption is to hold true to these facts. I can’t be blissfully naïve anymore. My sanity depends daily on my ability to realize how crucial Christ is to my life. I must conduct myself according to his truths, if I am going to be of any lasting help as I try to help others.
Remember the silver lining — or perhaps gold lining: God loves us! I don’t think I will ever fully understand his love and forgiveness, but I rejoice every day that I am loved. 
I may not be able to fix or help everyone, but God hasn’t asked me to. Instead, he takes my burdens and asks me to simply reflect his love toward the people he puts in my life.
I love you guys! Pray for us in South Sudan.

Monday, May 27, 2013

God Loves You and So Do I

We encourage you to submit your own stories to
It can be anonymous. Looking forward to seeing how God is working in all of our lives.

God Loves You and So Do I
Jeff Cook

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:4–8a

“For Better or Worse, For Richer or Poorer, In Sickness and Health to death do us part?” How many of us have either said those words or heard them at a wedding ceremony? These are in the vows we make to each other on the day that we start our journey we all know as, “Man and Wife.” 
Now, fast forward 25 years. You and your wife are sitting in a Pulmonologist’s office listening to the doctor describing a severe lung disease that your wife has, while you listen trying to hold your emotions in tack. All along you are asking God, “Why is this happening?” “What did we do wrong?” “What do we do now?”
This happened to Sandra and me in 2008. Sandra was diagnosed with Alpha 1 and Stage 5 Emphysema. The weeks and months ahead were going to be filled with doctors, treatments, high medical bills, costly prescriptions and even lung transplant referrals which we are in the middle of now. Along with this, Sandra’s health has brought her to the point of permanent disability. All this time I am still asking God “Why is this happening to us? What we did do wrong? What do we do now?” 
To sit here a tell you I can remember the day and time when I let all of this go and turned it all over to God, would be hard to do. I think little by little he took the burden from me with the help of a lot of prayer and the blessing of a support group, including a church family and friends that have been there for us during this journey. 
And each day I am reminded what unconditional love is all about. You see, when you think you are at the end of you rope, unconditional love steps in and keeps you going. This brings me to another verse I bet you also heard at the same wedding ceremony: 1 Corinthians 13:4–8a.
My friends, these verses are the verses I remember each time I begin to question why things happen the way they do sometimes. I believe this is the love he has for each of us. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Power Praying Works!

We encourage you to submit your own stories to
It can be anonymous. Looking forward to seeing how God is working in all of our lives.

Power Praying Works! 
by Pat Ware

But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, 
and it will be granted!
John 15:7

I’m in a prayer group that meets once a week. We begin by sharing some of what has gone on in our lives over the past week. I shared about a kind of strange day I had the day before. I’m one of those people that fall under what the Bible calls making a joyful noise to the Lord. A singer I am not. But all of sudden I am doing housework singing. Susan Weil pops up and says “That was me!” She told me that that day when she was praying she suddenly had the thought she should pray that I would have a day so full of joy I would have to sing! “God initiates, we respond.” Just think, we hadn’t even studied David Chotka’s book, Power Praying. But Susan listened to God’s urging, and I ended up with a day of joy. We both ended up knowing once more God hears our prayers little or big. He cares for us. 

Listen to that still small voice and you could be letting God work through your prayers. Who knows, you could be making someone’s day full of joy overflowing no matter what their circumstance.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Hope with Feathers

We encourage you to submit your own stories to
It can be anonymous. Looking forward to seeing how God is working in all of our lives.

Hope with Feathers 
by Chris French Kramer

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; 
my hope comes from him.
Psalm 62:5

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I’ve heard it in the chillest land
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

Emily Dickinson

Shortly after our son died in 2004, I called Scott at work and told him I was leaving and didn’t know when I would be back. The car was loaded, gas tank was filled and Otis, our dog, was comfy in the passenger seat. I started east from Colorado Springs to my family cabin in southeastern Missouri. My sanctuary. Filled with grief and armed with books about infant loss, journals to write in and thank you notes to write; my plan was to try to determine my new normal. 

Driving across Kansas in early spring leaves plenty of time to think. And pray. Reflect. And regret. Ever since I was a teen I knew that I would have trouble conceiving. But never in my dreams did I imagine being not-quite-a-mom. From the moment Scott told me in the recovery room that Luke was dead, I knew he was with God. I knew we would be ok. I knew we would be parents one day. But deep in the darkest corners of my heart, I didn’t quite believe what I knew. 

As I turned off the highway onto the gravel county road to the cabin, I could feel myself relaxing, my breathing changing. But the grief was still tightly wrapped around me. Walking into the cabin was walking into home. The smells of Granny lingered everywhere. Memories hid in every corner. 

Books covered the kitchen table while I researched, took notes and answered questions. Naps were taken every afternoon on the swing under two old trees. My sanctuary, the one place I always turn to when life is too much. Thousands of tears were shed. Daily walks on the gravel road echoed the hardness of my heart. And I cried out to God.

I was completely alone … physically, spiritually, emotionally. Then I saw him ... zooming through the woods, a streak of blue. And he perched at the top of the swing momentarily. My breath caught and my soul felt the tiniest bit of hope, a thing with feathers. 

A few months later we were all back at the cabin for Luke’s burial service. By now the numbness was wearing off. Colors were returning to life. I could almost sit through a worship service. Friends and family came from all over for the service. The day of the burial was sunny, hot and humid. After the service and lunch, I wandered back to the cemetery alone. Standing there by Luke’s grave I saw a flash of blue. A coincidence or a reassurance? 

Every visit to the cabin since, I have seen a bluebird. Eventually I realized they were a gift from God. A reminder that Lucas is safe with him and that I am not alone. But I only saw them at the cabin. 

A few years passed and life was crazy. There was always an element of numbness and grief in my heart. Two adoptions, three moves, major career change - all within 5 years. Christmas Day, 2009, I was standing in the kitchen at the cabin when a bluebird flew up to the picture window; and we just stared at each other until he flew away. Something started happening that day. 

The next many months were extremely rough. But when things seemed hopeless, a bluebird would appear. When I needed to know God was there - one would fly in front of my car. When the negative thoughts in my head were overwhelming and I was walking outside, I’d see a bluebird. Any time of year, several different states, God was there, all the time. Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul.

Psalm 62:5 tells us, “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.” My hope is in God and it has been a long time coming. The only way I can say that I have hope is because of him. Bluebirds are just one small, visual way he shows me he cares. Even without those now, I don’t just know God is taking care of us. I believe. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

A Change of Heart

We encourage you to submit your own stories to
It can be anonymous. Looking forward to seeing how God is working in all of our lives.

A Change of Heart 
by Anonymous

“Give thanks in all circumstances, 
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 
1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)

One day at a red light I pulled forward before it turned green, tailgating the pickup in front of me. I had been meditating on the Scripture that tells me to give thanks in all circumstances, so I obeyed. “Thank you, God, for allowing me to have this accident. I know you work everything together for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose, so I trust you—even in this.”

A miracle happened. I still had to negotiate with the driver of the other vehicle, get estimates for the repair of the damage, and pay up. But my attitude was different. I had a peaceful heart and a joyful spirit. God is sovereign and takes care of me—and the other guy, even though I don’t know how I’ll pay for the damages. Yes, somehow the bills got paid. But the main lesson to me was one of trust and obedience, and God changed my heart.

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Envelope in a Drawer

We encourage you to submit your own stories to
It can be anonymous. Looking forward to seeing how God is working in all of our lives.

The Envelope in a Drawer 
by Lynne Lerch

So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. 
At just the right time we will reap a harvest 
of blessing if we don’t give up.
Galatians 6:9 (NLT) 

I’m sure everyone remembers the disastrous earthquake of January 12, 2010, in Haiti. The world rallied and sent people, supplies and money. 

John was out of work at the time, but we were able to make a small donation. I remember saying to him how I wished we were able to give a lot more. I don’t remember the exact timing, but it was about a week later that John came to me and said, “You are not going to believe this!” In his hands was an envelope with a check for hundreds of dollars that he had found unopened in a drawer under some restaurant advertisements. It was a bank escrow check dated early December. He said, “Here is your donation for Haiti.” 

I don’t know what amazed me more, the fact that I was holding this unexpected check or God’s timing. If we had seen and opened the envelope when it arrived in December, I have no doubt that it would have been used for Christmas. Finding it when we did, left us in no doubt what God’s purpose for that money was. God’s timing is always perfect!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bible in a Year 2013 - May Readings

Join Susan Weil during Spirit Time on Sunday mornings as she reads the bible in a year. Here are May's readings in case you miss any classes. 

2 Samuel 23:8-12; 
1 Chronicles 11:10-14; 
2 Samuel 21:19-22; 
1 Chronicles 20:5-8; 
2 Samuel 10:1-19; 
1 Chronicles 19:1-19; 
2 Samuel 11:1; 
1 Chronicles 20:1a 

2 Samuel 11:2-12:24a; 

Psalm 51:1-19; 
Psalm 103: 1-22; 
2 Samuel 12:26-31; 
1 Chronicles 20: 1b-3; 
Psalm 21:1-13; 
2 Samuel 12:24b-25; 
2 Samuel 8:2; 
1 Chronicles 18:2; 
2 Samuel 23:20a; 
1 Chronicles 11:22a; 
2 Samuel 8:3-4; 
1 Chronicles 18:3-4; 
2 Samuel 8:7-8; 
I Chronicles 18:7-8;
2 Samuel 8:5-6; 
1 Chronicles 18:5-6 

Psalm 124:1-8; 
Psalm 108:1-13; 
Psalm 60:1-12; 
2 Samuel 8:9-14; 
1 Chronicles 18:9-13 
Psalm 44:1-26; 
Psalm 20:1-9; 
2 Samuel 23:18-19; 
1 Chronicles 11:20-21 

2 Samuel 23:20b-39; 
1 Chronicles 11:22b-47; 
2 Samuel 8:15-18; 
1 Chronicles 18:14-17; 
2 Samuel 7:1-29; 
1 Chronicles 17:1-27 

Psalm 138:1-8; 
Psalm 139:1-24; 
Psalm 145:1-21; 
2 Samuel 21:1-14; 
2 Samuel 9:1-13; 
Psalm 8:1-9 

2 Samuel 5:13-16; 
1 Chronicles 14:3-7; 
1 Chronicles 3:4b-9; 
2 Samuel 13:1-15:6 

2 Samuel 24:1-15; 
1 Chronicles 21:1-30; 
2 Samuel 15:7-36 

Psalm 3:1-4:8; 
Psalm 11:1-7; 
Psalm 23:1-6 
Psalm 26:1-12; 
2 Samuel 16:1-14; 
Psalm 12:1-8; 
Psalm 36:1-12 

Psalm 37:1-40; 
Psalm 9:1-10:18; 
2 Samuel 15:37; 
2 Samuel 16:15; 

Psalm 18:1-9; 
Psalm 39:1-13; 
Psalm 41:1-43:5; 
2 Samuel 16:16-17:23 

Psalm 55:1-23; 
Psalm 58:1-11; 
Psalm 61:1-63:11; 
2 Samuel 17:24-26; 
1 Chronicles 2:17; 
2 Samuel 17:27-18.8 

2 Samuel 18:19-33; 
Psalm 64:1-10; 
Psalm 70:1-5; 
Psalm 84:1-12; 
Psalm 141:1-10; 
Psalm 143:1-12; 
2 Samuel 19:1-43 

2 Samuel 20:1-26; 
Psalm 140:1-13; 
1 Chr:22:1-19; 
Psalm 29:1-30:12 

1 Chronicles 23:1-23; 
1 Chronicles 6:16-30 
1 Chronicles 23:24-24:31 

1 Chronicles 25:1-31; 
1 Chronicles 6:31-53; 
1 Chronicles 26:1-32 

1 Chronicles 27:1-29:22; 
1 Kings 1:1-27 

1 Kings 1:28-40; 
Psalm 25:1-22; 
1 Kings 1:41-2:9; 
2 Samuel 23:1-7; 
1 Kings 2:10-11; 
1 Chronicles 29:26-30; 
1 Kings 2:12; 
1 Chronicles 29:23-25 

1 Kings 2:13-3:15; 
2 Chronicles 1:1-13; 
1 Kings 3:16-28; 
Psalm 72:1-20 

Psalm 50:1-23; 
Song of Songs 1:1-4:16

Song of Songs 5:1-8:14; 
Psalm 45:1-17; 
1 Kings 5:1-12; 
2 Chronicles 2:1; 
2 Chronicles 2:3-16 

1 Kings 5:13-18; 
2 Chronicles 2:2; 
2 Chronicles 2:17-18 
1 Kings 9:15-16; 
1 Kings 9:20-23; 
2 Chronicles 8:7-10; 
1 Kings 6:1-38; 
2 Chronicles 3:1-17; 
Psalm 127:1-5; 
1 Kings 7:1-12 

1 Kings 7:13-51; 
2 Chronicles 4:1-5:1; 
1 Kings 8:1-21; 
2 Chronicles 5:2-14 

2 Chronicles 6:1-11; 
1 Kings 8:22-61; 
2 Chronicles 6:12-7:3 

1 Kings 8:62-66; 
2 Chronicles 7:4-10; 
Psalm 132:1-18; 
1 Kings 9:1-9; 
2 Chronicles 7:11-22; 
1 Kings 9:10-14; 
2 Chronicles 8:1-3; 
1 Kings 9:24; 
2 Chronicles 8:11; 
1 Kings 9:25; 
2 Chronicles 8:12-16; 
1 Kings 9:17-19; 
2 Chronicles 8:4-6; 
1 Kings 9:26-28; 
2 Chronicles 8:17-18; 
1 Kings 10:22; 
2 Chronicles 9:21 

1 Kings 10:1-13; 
2 Chronicles 9:1-12; 
1 Kings 4:1-19; 
1 Kings 4:29-34; 
Proverbs 1:1-33 

Proverbs 2:1-4-27 

Proverbs 5:1-7:27 

Proverbs 8:1-10:32 

Proverbs 11:1-13:25 

Proverbs 14:1-15:33

Monday, April 22, 2013

My Beginning with God as an Active God

Recently, SOJ collected stories about our experiences with our very Active God. We want to be able to share these stories with more people so they can see how God works in everyday lives. 
The stories will appear weekly on the SOJ Connections blog. You can visit the blog each week, or go to the blog and sign up to have these delivered to your inbox automatically. 
We also encourage you to submit your own stories to It can be anonymous. Looking forward to seeing how God is working in all of our lives. 

My Beginning with God 
as an Active God
by Ed Thomas

God opposes the proud, 
but gives grace to the humble.
James 4:6 (NRSV)

I grew up in the church. I can’t ever remember not knowing about Jesus. But knowing about Jesus is not the same as knowing Jesus. Therefore, like many, I had a moment of awakening when faith became more real and God was revealed as more active.

Like many, my moment came when I was humbled. I’d reached an absolute dead end, and I needed something bigger than me.

You see, everything had always come relatively easy for me … but suddenly, I was unemployed. Then I was underemployed. I couldn’t support my young family. I was frustrated, depressed, and desperate. In other words, I was utterly humbled.

At the time, I was an artist – an untrained, unwanted, and unemployed graphic artist. I remember looking outside and seeing a bunch of spindly little trees with a million spindly little branches and I remember thinking, “As good of an artist as I am, I can’t draw that.”

Then I remember thinking, “Wait, not only can God draw that, but he can create that out of absolute nothing.”

And I was totally and utterly humbled.

I’d always done faith my way. It was my philosophies … my politics … my priorities … my preferences. I cut and paste and explained away major parts of the Bible. In other words, I created God in my image. But suddenly, I was humbled. I’d reached an absolute dead end, and I needed something bigger than me.

That day, I sat down and read the entire Gospel of Mark … and it challenged what I’d always believed on every page. But I prayed, “God, you are God, and I’m not.”

And that day, my faith changed. God was real. I didn’t get a new job immediately; indeed, none of my outward circumstances changed at all. But suddenly there was a peace in my heart. There was a hope in my spirit and a purpose in my step.

In your life, where are you trying to control things? Let go … and I’ll bet that’ll be the beginning of God being an Active God for you too!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

2013 Bible in a Year - April Readings

Join Susan Weil on Sunday mornings during Spirit Time to read the bible through this year. If you can't make it, here are this months readings:

Judges 1:1-3:6; 
Judges 17:1-13 

Judges 18:1-31; 
Judges 3:7-4:24 

Judges 5:1-7:25 

Judges 8:1-9:57 

Judges 10:1-13:25 

Judges 19:1-20:48 

Judges 21:1-25; 
1 Chronicles 6:4b-15; 
Ruth 1:1-2:23 

Ruth 3:1-4:22; 
1 Chronicles 2:3-16; 
1 Samuel 1:1-28 

1 Samuel 2:1-10; 
Psalm 113:1-9; 
1 Samuel 2:11-21; 
Judges 14:1-16:22 

Judges 16:23-31; 
1 Samuel 2:22-5:12 

1 Samuel 6:1-7:17; 
1 Samuel 8:1-9:27 

1 Samuel 10:1-13:22 

1 Samuel 13:23-14:52; 
1 Chronicles 8:1-9:1a 

1 Chronicles 9:35-44; 
1 Chronicles 5:7-10; 
1 Chronicles 5:18-22; 
1 Samuel 15:1-16:23 

1 Samuel 17:1-58; 
Psalm 144:1-15 

1 Samuel 18:1-20:42 

Psalm 5:1-12; 
Psalm 59:1-17; 
Psalm 133:1-3; 
1 Samuel 21:1-15;
Psalm 34:1-22; 
1 Samuel 22:1-5; 
1 Chronicles 12:8-18 

1 Samuel 22:6-23; 
Psalm 52:1-9; 
Psalm 109:1-31; 
1 Samuel 23:1-29 

Psalm 13:1-6; 
Psalm 17:1-15; 
Psalm 22:1-31; 
Psalm 54:1-7; 
1 Samuel 24:1-22 

Psalm 7:1-17; 
Psalm 35:1-28; 
Psalm 57:1-11; 
Psalm 142:1-7 

1 Samuel 25:1-44; 
Psalm 18:1-50 

2 Samuel 22:1-51; 
Psalm 14:1-7; 
Psalm 53:1-6; 
1 Samuel 26:1-25 

Psalm 31:1-24; 
1 Samuel 27:1-12; 
1 Chronicles 12:1-7; 
Psalm 56:1-13; 
1 Samuel 28:1-2; 
1 Samuel 29:1-11; 
1 Chronicles 12:19-22; 
Psalm 40:1-17 

Psalm 69:1-36; 
Psalm 86:1-17; 
Psalm 131:1-3; 
1 Samuel 28:3-25 

1 Samuel 30:1-31:13; 
1 Chronicles 10:1-14; 
2 Samuel 4:4; 
2 Samuel 1:1-27 

2 Samuel 2:1-3:5; 
1 Chronicles 3:1-4a; 
2 Samuel 3:6-4:3; 
2 Samuel 4:5-5:5; 
1 Chronicles 11:1-3 

1 Chronicles 12:23-40; 
Psalm 2:1-12; 
Psalm 78:1-72 

Psalm 16:1-11; 
2 Samuel 5:6-10; 
1 Chronicles 11:4-9; 
2 Samuel 5:17-21; 
1 Chronicles 14:8-12; 
2 Samuel 23:13-17; 
1 Chronicles 11:15-19; 
2 Samuel 5:22-25; 
1 Chronicles 14:13-17; 
2 Samuel 5:11-12; 
1 Chronicles 14:1-2; 
1 Chronicles 13:1-14; 
2 Samuel 6:1-11; 
Psalm 101:1-8 

2 Samuel 6:12-23; 
1 Chronicles 15:1-16:43; 
Psalm 15:1-5 

Psalm 24:1-10; 
Psalm 65:1-13; 
Psalm 68:1-35; 
Psalm 110:1-7; 
Psalm 19:1-14; 
2 Samuel 8:1; 
1 Chronicles 18:1; 
2 Samuel 21:15-18; 
1 Chronicles 20:4 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

2013 Bible in a Year - March Readings

Join Susan Weil on Sunday mornings during Spirit Time and read through the bible this year.  In case you can't make it, here are this month's verses to keep up:

Numbers 7:1-89 

Numbers 8:1-10:36 

Numbers 11:1-13:33 

Numbers 14:1-15:41 

Numbers 16:1-18:32 

Numbers 19:1-21:35 

Numbers 22:1-24:25 

Numbers 25:1-26:34; 
1 Chronicles 7:14-19; 
Numbers 26:35-37; 
1 Chronicles 7:20-29; 
Numbers 26:38-65 

Numbers 27:1-29:40 

Numbers 30:1-31:54 

Numbers 32:1-33:56 

Numbers 34:1-36:13 

Deuteronomy 1:1-3:11 

Deuteronomy 3:12-5:33 

Deuteronomy 6:1-8:20 

Deuteronomy 9:1-11:32 

Deuteronomy 12:1-14:29 

Deuteronomy 15:1-18:22 

Deuteronomy 19:1-22:30 

Deuteronomy 23:1-26:19 

Deuteronomy 27:1-28:68 

Deuteronomy 29:1-31:29 

Psalm 90:1-17; 
Deuteronomy 31:30-32:52 

Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12; 
Joshua 1:1-2:24 

Joshua 3:1-6:27 

Joshua 7:1-9:27 

Joshua 10:1-12:24 

Joshua 13:1-15:63 

Joshua 16:1-19:9; 
1 Chronicles 4:24-33; 
Joshua 19:10-31 

Joshua 19:32-21:42; 
Joshua 21:43-45; 
1 Chronicles 6:54-81 

Joshua 22:1-24:33

Thursday, January 31, 2013

2013 Bible in a Year - February Readings

Join Susan Weil on Sunday mornings during Spirit Time and read the bible through this year. If you can't make it, here are this month's verses to keep up.

Genesis 47:13 - 50:26

Exodus 1:1-4:17

Exodus 4:18-6:27;
1 Chronicles 6:1-4a;
Exodus 6:28-7:13

Exodus 7:14-9:35

Exodus 10:1-12:51

Exodus 13:1-15:27

Exodus 16:1-18:27

Exodus 19:1-21:36

Exodus 22:1-24:18

Exodus 25:1-27:21

Exodus 28:1-29:46

Exodus 30:1-33:6 

Exodus 33:7-36:7

Exodus 36:8-38:31

Exodus 39:1-40:38 

Leviticus 1:1-4:35

Leviticus 5:1-7:38 

Leviticus 8:1-10:20

Leviticus 11:1-13:46

Leviticus 13:47-15:33

Leviticus 16:1-18:30

Leviticus 19:1-21:24

Leviticus 22:1-23:44

Leviticus 24:1-25:55

Leviticus 26:1-27:34

Numbers 1:1-2:34

Numbers 3:1-4:33

Numbers 4:34-6:27 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Bible in a Year - January Readings

Join Susan Weil on Sunday mornings starting Jan. 13 during Sunday School (all other classes start Jan. 6) and read through the Bible in 2013. Below are the readings for January.  You can pick up a reading schedule in the Narthex, and they will be posted here as well just before the first of each month.

Genesis 1:1-3:24 

Genesis 4:1-5:32; 
1 Chronicles 1:1-4; 
Genesis 6:1-22 

Genesis 7:1-9:29 

Genesis 10:1-5; 
1 Chronicles 1:5-7; 
Genesis 10:6-20; 
1 Chronicles 1:8-16; 
Genesis 10:21-11:26; 
1 Chronicles 1:17-27 

Job 1:1-3:26 

Job 4:1-7:21 

Job 8:1:10:22 

Job 11:1-14:22 

Job 15:1-18:21 

Job 19:1-21:34 

Job 22:1-26:14 

Job 27:1-29:25 

Job 30:1-31:40 

Job 32:1-34:37 

Job 35:1-37:24 

Job 38:1-39:30 

Job 40:1-42:17 

Genesis 11:27-15:21 

Genesis 16:1-18:33 

Genesis 19:1-21:34; 
Genesis 25:12-18; 
1 Chronicles 1:28-31 

Genesis 22:1-24:67 

Genesis 25:1-4; 
1 Chronicles 1:32-34; 
Genesis 25:5-6; 
1 Chronicles 1:34; 
Genesis 25:19-26; 
Genesis 25:7-11; 
Genesis 25:27-26:35 

Genesis 27:1-28:9; 
Genesis 36:1-43; 
1 Chronicles 1:35-54 

Genesis 28:10-30:43 

Genesis 31:1-32:32 

Genesis 33:1-35:29; 
1 Chronicles 2:1-2 

Genesis 37:1-39:23 

Genesis 40:1-41:57 

Genesis 42:1-44:34 

Genesis 45:1-46:9; 
1 Chronicles 5:1-6; 
Genesis 46:10-12; 
1 Chronicles 2:18-55 

1 Chronicles 4:1-23; 
Genesis 46:13; 
1 Chronicles 7:1-5; 
Genesis 46:14-18; 
1 Chronicles 7:30-40; 
Genesis 46:19-25; 
1 Chronicles 7:6-12; 
Genesis 46:26-47:12


Happy New BIBLE-IN-A-Year
Have you been praying?! Are you ready?!
Today is the beginning of a new year.
Thus, today begins the Bible-in-a-Year!!!

Here’s the first few days …
January 1: Genesis 1:1-3:24
January 2: Genesis 4:1-6:22; 1 Chronicles 1:1-4
January 3: Genesis 7:1-9:29
January 4: Genesis 10:1-11:26; 1 Chronicles 1:5-27
January 5: Job 1:1-3:26
January 6: Job 4:1-7:21
January 7: Job 8:1:10:22

Sunday School Discussion on Bible-in-a-Year starts January 13
All other Sunday School starts January 6  

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Oct 9 - Announcements

Deeper Faith
Congregational Study Not in a small group but interested in reading & reflecting on the topics Pastor Ed is speaking about each Sunday? Get a copy of the study Discovering Spirit, Uncovering Joy to do on your own! See Kristen Sigmon or fill out a sheet on the Narthex bulletin board.

Adult Sunday School for Fall 2011 Attend any class you'd like. Classes in Family Life Center. 

  • Christ in Culture Examine today's culture & challenges Christians face in light of God's Word.
  • Forgiving & Overcoming Learn how to forgive and overcome anger & resentment from book Bait of Satan by John Bevere.
  • Gospel of John Look in-depth at Jesus' life & ministry through the eyes of his disciple, John. 
  • New Testament [Bible in a Year] Writings of Jesus' apostles & their relevance for us today.

Joyful Community
Fish, Feast, Fun & Fellowship Fundraiser, October 15, 5-9pm Halibut flown in from Alaska, plus an auction (please donate items to auction). Benefits Belize trip. Accepting payments and reservations suggested donation $10+ per adult. Hot dogs for kids; child care provided. Craig or Michele Bender, 704-882-7806 for information.

Trunk or Treat, October 29, 6-7:30pm - hosted by the Student Leadership Team. Join us for a wholesome night of fun for kids of all ages. Come out and be a part of a fun family event, prizes awarded for the best costume and best trunk! Everyone meets in the Family Life Center. If you are a youth and are interested in helping out, grab a Student Leader and ask how you can help!

Youth Party, Appetizer Potluck and Lock-in, October 29, 8pm to October 30, 8am - Last names starting with A-L bring a salty appetizer and a drink to share, M-Z bring a sweet appetizer or dessert and a drink to share. Bring your sleeping bag.

Reaching More
Flu Shot Clinic Sunday, Oct 9 - 11:30am-12:30pm in the Family Life Center, $25/person.

Coats & Sweaters Missions is collecting new and gently used coats & sweaters throughout the month of October. Please consider donating one to those less fortunate.