Monday, May 20, 2013

Power Praying Works!

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Power Praying Works! 
by Pat Ware

But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, 
and it will be granted!
John 15:7

I’m in a prayer group that meets once a week. We begin by sharing some of what has gone on in our lives over the past week. I shared about a kind of strange day I had the day before. I’m one of those people that fall under what the Bible calls making a joyful noise to the Lord. A singer I am not. But all of sudden I am doing housework singing. Susan Weil pops up and says “That was me!” She told me that that day when she was praying she suddenly had the thought she should pray that I would have a day so full of joy I would have to sing! “God initiates, we respond.” Just think, we hadn’t even studied David Chotka’s book, Power Praying. But Susan listened to God’s urging, and I ended up with a day of joy. We both ended up knowing once more God hears our prayers little or big. He cares for us. 

Listen to that still small voice and you could be letting God work through your prayers. Who knows, you could be making someone’s day full of joy overflowing no matter what their circumstance.

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